Late Night host Jimmy Fallon tried to do something new — he aimed to make a definitive Christmas song for right now. Instead of going for timelessness as Mariah Carey's "All I Want for Christmas Is You?". On the December 6 episode of The Tonight Show, the host recruited heavyweights Megan Thee Stallion and Ariana Grande, the two of the absolute biggest and best in the game right now, to help bring the song, "It Was a... (Masked Christmas)," to life. The results may save lives!

The premise of the song is that it's a good thing to remain cautious of COVID-19 in order to protect yourself and your loved ones during the holidays. Fallon sings, in his voice frosted with Auto-Tuned, to wear a mask, get a vaccine booster shot, and say hey to folks via Zoom when necessary to avoid risky meet-ups. It is, unfortunately, a chillingly bleak reminder that we're still in a pandemic. However, the message is softened by two key aspects of the video: many, many oversized and relentlessly cozy sweaters, and the gleaming presence of both Meg and Ari.